My Design Space...Little Crap Apartment I call home :)

Just Thought I would share my space. It's a lot messy and I am missing some major things like a cutting table, So I cut and work patterns on the floor for now.  My entire apartment is used to eat, sleep, sketch and sew. It's a good life. :) 

This is where I do all of my sketching and drawing. I need to put more "Muse" around me here so that it can inspire me more. All of my fabric is stored under this table but it's such a mess that I refuse to show you. :)

This is where the pattern making and fabric cutting goes down. Someday I will replace this with a cutting table. Saving my pennies!

My sewing machines. I am really angry with the white one right now. It's time to upgrade. I've had her for 12 years and she is ready to retire!

My dressform. This little lady makes fitting much easier to gauge.  I need to add a mens form to my collection. 

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